Vitamin C, E, and B – What About Vitamin D?
You have probably heard a lot about vitamin C, vitamin E, and maybe even vitamin B. But have you heard much about vitamin D and its role in maintaining a healthy, functioning body? Vitamin D is one of the unsung heroes of mineral supplements, and it plays a crucial part in boosting your body’s immune system and strengthening its bones.
The Health Benefits of MacaIn today’s world, there are an increasing number of food items grown without thought to the health of the consumer. We try to eat well, but organic-grown food is almost always way more expensive than the typical, chemical grown variety. As such, there has also been an increase in the amount of ‘natural’ supplements and plants that people are taking in order to try to improve their health and improve their vitality. One of these remedies is called ‘maca.’
What Is Oreganol P73?With the rising costs of naturally grown food in the market today, many people are trying to improve their health through natural supplements and folk remedies purported to improve the natural vitality and wellness of those who take them. One such supplement is called Oreganol. Oreganol is natural oregano oil that is grown in the nutrient rich soil of the Medeterranean Mountains, and is harvested by some companies to create this oil.
The Many Benefits Of DMAE To Help You Live A Healthy LifeOne of the most complex natural things that has ever been found is the human brain. The human brain is capable of very detailed and complex thought, and is also required to signal the rest of the human body to act appropriately.
Did You Know You Can Lower Blood Pressure With L-Arginine?While nearly everyone is concerned about heart disease, often referred to as the silent killer, few people are thinking about where this condition really stems from. In all actuality, hypertension, is often the precursor to this deadly disease. If your doctor has been warning you that you need to make changes, don’t put it off until it’s too late.
Health Care 101: What People Should Know About DementiaDementia is a serious brain-related illness. It is not a specific disease but rather a syndrome that affects cognitive functions such as reasoning, memory, and language skills.
Possible Cancer Cure From the Asian Coriolus Versicolor MushroomVarious mushrooms like the Coriolus versicolor have been used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine for thousands of years. Coriolus versicolor, now called Trametes versicolor, is a thin mushroom that also goes by the sobriquet ‘turkey tail’ because of its appearance when it grows in clusters. It sometimes looks green because of the algae that grow on its cap.
How Weight Loss Pills Help You Achieve Desired GoalsWeight loss pills burn the body fat while suppressing appetite, thus assisting the body reduce weight. A course of diet pills helps lose body weight fast and you can sustain your slim appearance if you maintain your diet and exercise regimen, after the course.
What Are Liquid Vitamins?With take-out and fast-food fare replacing good old home cooking in many American households, the need for vitamin supplements has become even more compelling now than ever before. Vitamins and minerals play a significant role in the growth and development of children and in the maintenance of good health for people of all ages.
Can Vitamin D Supplements Help Reduce Multiple Sclerosis Rates?Recent scientific studies have suggested that vitamin D supplements could be effective at tackling multiple sclerosis rates. However, a consensus is yet to be reached in the medical community.
Could Pure Fish Oil Be the Key to a New, Healthier You This Year?By the time you finish this article, you’ll wish you’d been taking pure fish oil long before now. Taking high-quality omega-3 fatty acids to improve your health has many advantages. Once you know what they are, you’ll have no doubt they should be part of your nutrition plan. So, what are some of the potential benefits of high-quality omega-3 fatty acid pills? Well, here are several and some you may not be aware of.
Uncover the Hidden Benefits of Anti Inflammatory Fish OilMost people don’t know this but inflammation in our bodies can be a silent killer. It can cause heart disease and other serious illness over the long run. We all have it to some extent but it’s hard to tell so we may not even know it. Oftentimes, however, even if it’s not causing serious disease, it shows up in the form of other troubling problems that can make life miserable. But, anti inflammatory fish oil can help reduce inflammation-related health problems.