How to Take CBD Oil for Pain

Vitamin D, To Take or Not To Take?

Vitamin D deficiency in the US is wide spread, affecting more than 40% of the people. The deficiency is much more prevalent in the northern states, in dark-skinned people, in the elderly and the obese. Interestingly, vitamin D is synthesized in the skin from HDL cholesterol (the “good cholesterol”), and people with a very low HDL cholesterol also tend to be more prone to vitamin D deficiency. Low D is associated with a wide variety of health disorders. While we don’t fully understand this relationship, I wouldn’t take a chance, and would have my blood vitamin level checked.

Knowing What CoQ10 Really Is

CoQ10 is an enzyme found in our body which is commonly located in the vital organs such as the heart, pancreas and in the liver. Only a few people know this but CoQ10 is greatly important in order to maintain a sound health. This important substance is used primarily in treating heart related problems especially chronic ones. This health problems may include congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease.

Do You Need a Tribulus Terrestris Supplement?

Tribulus Terrestris is one of the most important supplements that have been introduced to the health and wellness market albeit somewhat controversial. One reason for this is that it has anabolic effects, making people compare it with synthetic anabolic steroids, which are known to have physical and psychological side effects. However, the supplement does not have side effects primarily because it is considered natural.

Top 3 Yacon Syrup Facts You Should Know

Yacon syrup is one health product that has piqued the curiosity of health experts and consumers alike. One reason for this is that a clinical study that involving overweight women as the subjects found that those who took three to four teaspoons of the syrup every day for 120 days lost an average 33 pounds and four inches from their waist. They also experienced improved insulin levels and a significant drop in their bad cholesterol levels.

Do You Need Vitamin B12 Supplement?

Vitamin B12 is essential for various functions in the body. As one of the B complex vitamins, it is needed for metabolism. Other than its function as a B vitamin, it is needed for DNA synthesis, formation of new and healthy red blood cells, and maintenance of the nervous system.

Do You Needa Coenzyme Q10 Supplement?

Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10 is a substance that is naturally found in the body, specifically in the mitochondria of cells. The mitochondria, which are also called the powerhouses of cells, need the substance so they are able to produce energy that the systems in the body use to function well. However, even though it is naturally present in the cells, its levels go down because of certain factors, such as age, diet, and medications one is taking.

Tribulus Terrestris: Myths and Misconceptions

Tribulus Terrestris, a supplement extracted from a plant of the same name, was first put to spotlight when a weightlifting team for the Olympics claimed that they used it to improve their performance. Recently, it is not only being used by athletes but by people who want to increase their energy levels and boost their sex drive. However, there are myths and conceptions surrounding it, and these may affect people’s decisions in buying it and how people use it.

How Does Adding Yacon Pills To Your Diet Promote Health?

There is a wide array of supplements that claim to improve your health. Some of them may yield excellent results, some may not. But one supplement that is very promising is the yacon pills, which is extracted from yacon, a tuberous plant that can be found in the Andean mountains in South America.

Health Benefits of Yacon Syrup Revealed

Yacon syrup is getting popular in the health and wellness community, and this is for a good reason. It is derived from the root of yacon, a plant that is originally from the Andean valleys in South America. The root has a sweet taste similar to fruit, so it is often made available in syrup form and usually used as a sweetener.

Vitamin B12: Myths and Misconceptions

Vitamin B12 is water-soluble and is needed for metabolism, just like the other B vitamins. Besides that, however, it plays an important role in DNA synthesis, red blood cells production, and central nervous system maintenance. That is why you cannot afford to not have enough levels of it.

What Do You Need Coenzyme Q10 For?

Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10 plays an important role in energy production. Insufficient levels of CoQ10 can lead to serious health problems, such as cardiovascular diseases, weakness, and mental confusion.

Tribulus Terrestris Explained in Layman’s Term

Tribulus Terrestris is a supplement extracted from a plant of the same name. Its primary benefit is that is a testosterone-booster, and this leads to a variety of health benefits. These include increased energy levels and improved sex drive.

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