Two Major Reasons to Avoid ALA and Omega-6 in Flax Seed Oil
There seems to be a lot of controversy about which oil is the best–flax seed oil, or fish oil. Are we talking about apples and oranges? Perhaps there is no best one, and each has its virtues.
One “Real World” Benefit From Omega-3Surfing the web for the “real truth” can be a pain. I’m right there with you, and it’s hard to tell one study from the next. Besides, by the time you find a website that actually seems factual, it proves too abstract–or maybe the results won’t change your actions.
Magnesium Supplements And Their Ability To Help Health ConditionsIt has been suggested that if everyone took enough magnesium, that heart problems would no longer be an issue. This statement alone sums up just how important magnesium is to our health. Without magnesium in our diets, our muscles wouldn’t work (including the heart) and the cells inside our bodies would cease to function. It has also been reported that a massive 80% of Americans suffer from a lack of magnesium in their diets.
Tried and True Supplement Fights Oxidative StressEverywhere I look, some product is promising to eliminate free radicals. This whole idea sounds kind of funny to some people, so here I want to clear up the muddy waters, and offer a daily solution. You probably know more about this problem than you think you do.
Hoodia-Pure: Remember the BushmenA lot of new discoveries have sifted to the top of many researchers’ attention for weight loss. Especially in recent years, as weight control has become such a big issue, alternatives to pricey weight loss programs are being sought out all over the world. An unexpected appetite suppressant known as Hoodia gordonii is such an alternative.
Drinking Your Vitamins Has It’s BenefitsUsing an Isotonic formula speeds nutrients to your body. Isotonic solutions offer the fastest and most efficient absorption of all oral forms of nutritional supplements. Faster and more efficient absorption into the bloodstream increases the value of taking nutritional supplements.
L-Carnitine BenefitsL-Carnitine benefits your body in several ways, but you should make certain that if your doctor gives you the okay to consider taking L-Carnitine, they are knowledgeable in regards to your medical background, and also the recent state of your personal condition. If your physician does not approve of you taking Carnitine supplements, regardless of the explanation, you ought to realize that you can obtain it in other, more normal substances. Steak, dairy products, fish, chicken, vegetarian meat options, wheat, asparagus, avocados, and peanut butter all contain high levels of totally all-natural L-Carnitine.
Misunderstood Long-Life Supplement: How It Protects Your DNAThere’s been a lot of buzz in the scientific community about the presence of omega-3 in the human system, and the resulting effects on DNA. You probably know that chromosomes are like little DNA packages, and that these sensitive parcels interact and reproduce within a cell in order to create all of the cellular functions. Everything that happens within a cell depends on accurate information from the chromosomes because they are the command center of all of the cellular activities.
Simultaneous Intake: Advantages of Fish Oil With Vitamin EIt’s easy to say that vitamins are important, but it’s also easy to forget about them. Everyone gets caught up in the routine, so let’s take a minute to revise our vitamin top-ten. Vitamin E and omega-3s are two of the most important ingredients to a smart, healthy body.
Supplements and Steroids a World ApartNot a day goes by that somebody doesn’t confuse sports supplements such as protein powders, creatine or nitric oxide supplements with steroids, the confusion has been around for years and despite professionals trying to educate people there is always some myth about over the counter supplements. Sports supplements are used the world over by athletes of all levels from new weight lifters, distance runner’s college cross country runners all the way up to professional bodybuilders, football players the list goes on. Chances are even if you think you’re not taking a supplement you are, multivitamins, vitamin D,…
Secondary Benefits of Omega-3: The Icing on the CakeAll of your friends probably take certain supplements that are right for them, but not for you. Everyone is different. I’ve found that a good standard regimen for everyone is a multivitamin with an omega-3 supplement.
Cholesterol Drugs Are Dangerous And Ineffective, Medical Researchers SayOver the last 10 to 15 years, the drug companies have gotten so greedy that they are not happy with the profits they are making from ill people, they actually want healthy people to take prescription drugs for “preventative” reasons. This practice is unethical and totally unnecessary. There are superior, cheaper and natural alternatives available.