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Role of Green Tea Extract in Supporting a Healthy Lifestyle

Green tea extract is a veritable fountainhead of healthy goodness for us. A centuries old drink, green tea has played a vital role in combating various ailments and promoting a fit and active lifestyle.

Foods That Promote Ornithine and Arginine

A great article about foods that contain Arginine and Ornithine. Plus, which supplements to take if you need an extra boost.

Nutritional Supplements and Herbal Medicines

Doctors and other practitioners of conventional medicine may be sceptical about alternative therapies, but many take dietary supplements themselves. A survey of cardiologists in the USA, nearly half were regularly taking antioxidant vitamins including vitamin C and E which are linked with the prevention of cancer and heart disease, but only around 37% actually recommended them to their patients, and over half the dieticians took some kind of nutritional supplement.

Giving the Body With the Exact Nourishment: Organic Protein Powders

The good thing about the latest available organic protein powders is that they are capable of helping the brain to improve its functionality. This is aside from strengthening the immune system of the body to defeat potential ailments effectively.

Tribulus Terrestris Testosterone Facts

The REAL research about Tribulus terrestris and testosterone. This article will focus on the claim that Tribulus terrestris increases testosterone.

Grape Seed Extract Polyphenols Benefit Muscle Recovery

In this article I will discuss the recent research into grape seed extract and muscle recovery. Although it was animal research, the methods were impressive and so were the results. This is part of why I use a standardized grape seed extract daily.

Do We Need Food Supplements? Read to Know More

Food Supplements are substances that we eat or drink so that we will our body will become healthy. It can be vitamins and minerals, in the foods that we eat. It could also be in tablet or in capsule form. We could also call them dietary supplement. They are very different from the other drugs. There are many kinds of dietary supplements that corresponds different functions in our body. If we already know the uses or functions of that certain supplements, then it is very easy for us to buy that supplement and drink it for the betterment of our life style. It is very important that each of us should have a food supplement because it helps us a lot especially when times that our appetite was lost or we don’t like to eat.

Is Garcinia Cambogia the Holy Grail of Dieting?

Have you heard about this little weight loss supplement by the name of garcinia cambogia? It’s a fruit that resembles a miniature pumpkin, originates from Southeast Asia, and the extract from its fruit has become very popular in lots of natural weight loss products. Research on this fruit is still going on, but there has been a study in the ‘Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Journal’ that showed people adding garcinia cambogia to their diet, and losing three times more weight than with just exercise alone.

Green Coffee Bean Extract Review – Boost Your Metabolism And Burn Fat With The Unique Supplement

Most people like to turn the kettle on to kick start their day with one hot cup of coffee, as we all know that caffeine acts as a morning eye-opener. However, some people are also wondering if coffee can help them in losing weight.

Green Coffee Bean Extract Fat Loss Supplements – Benefits And Safety Concerns You Must Know About

A lot of TV commercials have featured green coffee bean extract as a miracle weight loss solution and as a result a lot of people are wondering how this supplement work. Green coffee is one of the latest product in the marketplace and it is already creating a whole lot of buzz in the weight loss industry. Persons struggling to drop a few pounds and are considering to get green coffee bean supplements to aid their weight loss should pay close attention to the important information below.

Another Vitamin Study Skewed – Stop Misleading the Public to Minimize Health

It was just yesterday that North American media outlets across the continent reported a recent study from Canadian researchers at McGill University that appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The study apparently found that 400 I.U. of vitamin D supplementation was just as effective as 800 I.U., 1,200 I.U. or 1,600 I.U. in the bone health of babies. What’s wrong with that you may ask? Plenty and it’s a re-occurring theme that has to be shown for what it is – misleading.

The Benefits of Omega 3 Supplements to the Human Body

We all need Omega 3’s in our diet to maintain a healthy body. They are the basic building blocks for our cells. Unfortunately our body cannot manufacture Omega 3’s so we need to get these by eating foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids or by taking omega 3 supplements.

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